Friday, November 21, 2008

MARGHERITA (Riccardo Cocciante)

Just wanna share this song dengan teman2.

Kondisi Italia yang sedikit terisolir dari liputan media kita agak menjauhkan kita dari bbrp pemusik besar mereka. Lagu ini adalah lagu favorit saya yang ketika SMP dulu dalam bahasa Inggris berjudul "Just For You". Lagu ini juga membawa saya "iseng2" dapat memenangi lomba karaoke di Bappenas bbrp tahun lalu..... ah malu juga nyeritain, tapi sekedar berbagi bagaimana sebuah mahakarya memang pada akhirnya akan dapat penghargaan dimanapun itu, meski jauh dipelosok dunia lain seperti di kota kelahiran saya di Bukittinggi. Appresiasi seni yang setulus hati akan memberikan makna dan mengisi "hollow" di dalam diri kita jika tulus pula menikmatinya.

MARGHERITA (Riccardo Cocciante)

Io non posso stare fermo
con le mani nelle mani,
tante cose devo fare
prima che venga domani...
E se lei gi sta dormendo
io non posso riposare,
far in modo che al risveglio
non mi possa pi scordare.

Perch questa lunga notte
non sia nera pi del nero,
fatti grande, dolce Luna,
e riempi il cielo intero...
E ... Read moreperch quel suo sorriso
possa ritornare ancora,
splendi Sole domattina
come non hai fatto ancora...

E per poi farle cantare
le canzoni che ha imparato,
io le costruir un silenzio
che nessuno ha mai sentito...
Sveglier tutti gli amanti
parler per ore ed ore,
abbracciamoci pi forte
perch lei vuole l'amore.

Poi corriamo per le strade
e mettiamoci a ballare,
perch lei vuole la gioia,
perch lei odia il rancore,
poi con secchi di vernice
coloriamo tutti i muri,
case, vicoli e palazzi,
perch lei ama i colori,
raccogliamo tutti i fiori,
che pu darci Primavera,
costruiamole una culla,
per amarci quando sera.

oi saliamo su nel cielo
e prendiamole una stella,
perch Margherita buona,
perch Margherita bella,
perch Margherita dolce,
perch Margherita vera,
perch Margherita ama,
e lo fa una notte intera.

Perch Margherita un sogno,
perch Margherita sale,
perch Margherita il vento,
e non sa che pu far male,
perch Margherita tutto,
ed lei la mia pazzia.
Margherita, Margherita,
Margherita adesso mia,
Margherita mia...


I can't stay now and just wait now,
my hands then go so impatient
many things I've got to do now for the first ray of the morning.

Though she play in peaceful chamber,
sleep to me just doesn't come
when she wake I have to tell her everything I have to say.

And the night so dark inside me
makes me finaly understand
where the love that she has given me,
she can light the sky forever.

It's the way she give so freely,
it's the way she takes my hands,
I just ask the sun shine brightly
got to see her smile again.

Then I sing a song I've writen
and I'll make the whole world listen
in the silence just for you,
like no one has ever heard.

And I wake up all the lovers
and I give them back for hours
and we'll do the things we wanted
the way that lovers do.

And we'll run into the street
and we'll start to dance like crazy
cos she want only to feel joy
in the love she gives and needs.

And we take the time to stop quarrel, (?)
And we'll paint the street and building
rainbow color everyone
those she wants, colors to sing,
and we'll paint full fill with flowers,
make the street alive with spring,
make a place where lovers go,
fly away like lovers do.

Then we'll fly into the sky and we'll look into the stars
and our stars return the Whole world,
the love we have, we are,
the love we share is sweet
the love we know is real,
that love is not to dream but last, we know that alone

Because you love and my begin
without dreaming all begin,
and the love that you have given
return to us to win

cos your love for me is not begining and the end your love
for me, forever, you love for me forever...


Anonymous said...

mas eddy ini saya lg nih, hehehe...maklum msh jd tamu baru jd semangat ksh komen hahahaha... oya mo tanya, sebenernya namanya dia itu riccardo cocciante apa richard cocciante sih? kok setau saya richard cocciante ya?apa itu nama komersilnya? yep, fav saya just for you, liriknya susah dicerna tp maknanya dualem.

E Satriya said...

Hm..namanya yang pertama itu Riccardo, memang liriknya agak susah karena terjemaahan dari lagu aslinya Margherita...selamat bernyanyi mas...maaf baru lihat ada comment anda.

Adhi Surya said...

maknanya apa yaa... kok di last verse mengisyaratkan sesuatu "your love for me is not beginning and the end" sesuatu yg tidak ada???